View Full Version : RME usb fireface

11-11-2009, 12:14 PM
talking about the virtues of SAC at a live gig here is all
preachin to the choir

in the spirit of disseminating usable info about functional hardware-

my fireface UC did it's first gig last nite
[sunday got rained out]

an extremely simple setup of one vocal
one acoustic and an announce mic

i'm doing the tuesday nite live sessions for www.radiofreetexas.org
[8p central]

it's in a weird little restaurant/bar in boerne
with two single 15" pa boxes hung in the ceiling and
one 10" powered eon for a monitor

the house mix system left a bit to be desired
plus i'm spoiled rotten with sac remote
and the audio engine

as you might expect with a USB interface it will slip
buffers if you go to doing too much poking around
on the host notebook

just as a test i left the engine hot
as i did EQ inserts and mix setups before anybody got there

its a house feed, the one monitor mix,
and a mix feeding the notebook
that streams to the web

when i remembered to look it showed 26 slipped

at that point all i was doing was mixing
so i reset the engine

no stray/slipped anything the rest of the nite

sunday is the "1st anniversary" show from
1-7 pm central if you want to hear sac streaming on the web
before tuesday

we'l be doing hour long sets of 3 songwriter swaps
[18 folks if everybody shows up]

i'l have some of my PA and monitors in for that
but since i'v beat on 18 inputs/5 mixes in the rig
with no issue it should be brainless

just another [early and long] day at the office
