View Full Version : Channel Store/Recall Bug?

Naturally Digital
01-21-2005, 01:49 AM
Wondering if anyone can duplicate this behaviour:

I set up a Sonoris Meter, SprectR, SpectRpro and Focus on Out 1, in the post FX patch. I wanted to move these to Out 2 so on the wide mixer view, I saved FX to mem cell 01 and tried to recall cell 01 on Out 2. This seemed to insert 2 of each plug into the post FX patch of Out 2. Even more odd was that when I clicked on out 1 and back to out 2, the plugins didn't show up in the FX patch window anymore.

I tried it with the SAWStudio EQ and Delay plugs on another machine and the same thing happened.

Bob L
01-21-2005, 02:04 AM
Good find... seems to work fine on input and return channels, but messes up on output chans...

I'll get on it for the next update.


Bob L