View Full Version : Mono Indicator in Fmixer

Carl G.
12-09-2011, 10:53 AM
Bob, a small indicator in the F-Mixer's "I/A" section for a "Mono" selection would be *really* convenient. Maybe like a Horizontal bar underlining the "I/A" (which would just alert us at a glance of any channels that are in mono mode (or any variation of mono mode).

Necessity? no. Really super nice, useful, productive and convenient - yes!

In complicated mixed channel layouts - it would really help out. Just as seeing FX, aux, dyn indicators are really important at a quick glance in F-Mixer, so is the obvious of seeing "At a Glance" whether you're missing half a channel somewhere in a complicated mix.

Bob L
12-09-2011, 11:04 AM
Its already there... the bar displays on the left or right for a mono setting and in the center for stereo.

Bob L

Carl G.
12-09-2011, 11:21 AM
Its already there... the bar displays on the left or right for a mono setting and in the center for stereo.

Bob L
SawStudio 5.1 - no bars (left, right or center)
Default Contemporary Shade.
What am I missing?

Bob L
12-09-2011, 01:43 PM
Oh... the bars are for live inputs... I was thinking SAC which is always live inputs.


I guess I never thought it was necessarry because the waveform data displayed mono or stereo in one big view as you looked across the MT tracks.

Bob L

Carl G.
12-09-2011, 01:57 PM
Oh... the bars are for live inputs... I was thinking SAC which is always live inputs.


I guess I never thought it was necessarry because the waveform data displayed mono or stereo in one big view as you looked across the MT tracks.

Bob L
That's why I mentioned "not necessary".... but a ***really good help****.
Especially when doing tons of quick build-mixes because while you may see the original wav forms at a glance - you *don't see* at a glance _how_ the console is addressing those channels. A 'mono' indicator in the I/A section of the F-Mixer would at least quickly alert you to how a series of channels are setup (to address the series of wav forms you see in the MT).

Carl G.
12-09-2011, 05:25 PM
That's why I mentioned "not necessary".... but a ***really good help****.
Especially when doing tons of quick build-mixes because while you may see the original wav forms at a glance - you *don't see* at a glance _how_ the console is addressing those channels. A 'mono' indicator in the I/A section of the F-Mixer would at least quickly alert you to how a series of channels are setup (to address the series of wav forms you see in the MT).

I'd vote for moving the input "mono" indicators toward the more 'needed' category than 'un-needed', after several of today's complex session mixdowns - where seeing "across the console" the input configurations at a glance is extremely efficient and helpful to see if your properly configured for what you see in the waveforms.

Carl G.
12-10-2011, 01:13 AM
I'd vote for moving the input "mono" indicators toward the more 'needed' category than 'un-needed', after several of today's complex session mixdowns - where seeing "across the console" the input configurations at a glance is extremely efficient and helpful to see if your properly configured for what you see in the waveforms.

Well - thanks to "F-Keys" a quick resolve is to put row of Z-mixer channels next to the same (linked) row of F-Mixer channels with the MT above both.
Works well.

(so the suggestion is back to the 'not needed - but nice' category) :)