View Full Version : All-at-once move of everything in the MT window

01-28-2012, 12:43 PM
Hi all - hope you're all well!

I'm going to embarrass myself here and ask you all just a very simple quick question here - Spent many hours, months ago, on a great but-not-perfect TV mix that we're now wanting to turn into an even better CD.. and I'm using the tv mix session (in 96k) as a starting point for the highly augmented CD remix and edit. I certainly don't want to re-visit any of the legacy work I put into it, just need to add stuff and edit it all differently and want to keep it all in the original 96k session for the best possible sonic integrity.

Having said all that, I need to cut out large sections of the tv mix - and add another chorus or two here and there - and slide everything - including all automation on returns and subs - at once to the new positions on the MT time line.

I've just forgotten how to do that simple thing. I'm getting old. What can I say.

Can one of you let me know each step to do this? Move everything all at once as needed?

All the best,
Chris Mickle

01-28-2012, 01:23 PM

Check out "insert timeline bar" repsonse from Bob L.

01-28-2012, 01:36 PM
thx - looks like a solution for inserting segments across everything in the MT window. But how about removing large sections of everything and slipping all tracks to the left....?

01-28-2012, 01:42 PM
Try using "select" tool, highlight the regions of interest, then hit "delete" on keyboard

01-28-2012, 01:54 PM
Thanks. Well, of course that works for the input tracks - but I'm having a time firguring how to be able to finesse and slide - hopefully all at once - all of the automation across all of the subs and returns along with the input tracks and whatever's on them to retain the mix as I cut, add, adjust and remix the project for the CD.

Again, my apologies to all if this is so simple I can't do it. :)

Bob L
01-28-2012, 02:22 PM
You want to use the Slip Track(s) function... that can slide everything... automation, Control and Video track... etc...at once.

In the Help File:

Adjusting Track Special Properties
[Right-Clicking] in the Label Display zone pops up a special properties menu of track options.

Slip Track To Cursor Position On Current Layer (Marked Area)
This option will slip a Marked Area of track forward or backward to the MT cursor position on the current layer.

Pressing [Ctrl] while selecting this option will affect all tracks. If the current Hot Track is part of a group of selected tracks, all selected tracks will be affected. This option adjusts all entries and automation within the Marked Area. If the Marked Area begins or ends within a region boundary, the region will be split at the area begin or end position depending on the direction of the slip.

Whenever the video track is include in the slip track operation, video and audio will be moved together. Both types of entries will contribute to movement limits resulting from bumping into other nearby entries. All movements will be forced to frame boundaries to maintain proper video entry placement.

Slip Track To Cursor Position On All Layers (Marked Area)
This option will slip a Marked Area of track forward or backward to the MT cursor position on all layers.

Pressing [Ctrl] while selecting this option will affect all tracks. If the current Hot Track is part of a group of selected tracks, all selected tracks will be affected. This option adjusts all entries and automation within the Marked Area. If the Marked Area begins or ends within a region boundary, the region will be split at the area begin or end position depending on the direction of the slip.

Whenever the video track is include in the slip track operation, video and audio will be moved together. Both types of entries will contribute to movement limits resulting from bumping into other nearby entries. All movements will be forced to frame boundaries to maintain proper video entry placement.

Bob L

01-28-2012, 02:40 PM
Thanks as always, Bob!