Teddy Hallaron
06-10-2013, 01:58 PM
Anybody working with polyfiles out there? Getting ready to do some movie post. Gonna need to import my 8 channel polyfiles from TASCAM P-82 production audio. I'll essentially be functioning as a dialog editor also and picking the iso or a mix of channels to go into the dialog tracks from the locked cut. My understanding is I can open OMF files generated from Premiere CS6 if I have AA Translator. I'm told I can audition and utilize the polyfiles as an OMF import. Since I've not made the jump into AA Translator yet, its only an "understanding". Your thoughts and expertise appreciated. This project would not be ready and locked until late August, so I have some research time.

06-11-2013, 05:29 PM
Hi Teddy

The OMF specification only allows for mono files and most DAWs respect that with the exception of Sonar and (without looking it up) Steinberg.

"I'm told I can audition and utilize the polyfiles as an OMF import."

Not exactly sure what that means - there is no 'auditioning' with AAT - it just converts what is there to whatever format is required.
If you mean will AAT convert polyfiles from SAW to an OMF then the short answer is that AAT will split the stereo files into L & R mono tracks before converting to an OMF

If using more than2 channel files then it is probably best that you split them yourself first

However, you should have no trouble converting an OMF from Ppro to SAW (or vice versa) using AATranslator but if you would like to organise a small test OMF while you are waiting for the real thing then by all means feel free to send it to me to convert for you.

06-12-2013, 05:14 AM
You may try the free RME polywav converter,
to be hornest I dont know if it only work
with there own format or if it works with
all poly files.

Its free to test http://www.rme-audio.de/en_downloads.php?page=content/downloads/en_downloads_driver&subpage=content/downloads/en_downloads_midi_remote

Teddy Hallaron
06-13-2013, 11:20 AM
Thanks for the input guys. @Runaway - what I meant by "audition" is that I've seen my production tracks recorded on the 8 channel TASCAM P-82 loaded into a FCP timeline. The editor is able to use a pull down window to see the iso tracks available (the polyfile isos) he can then select which tracks he would like to listen to or incorporate into his mix. The RME converter may do the trick also. I'll be looking into everything available. Again, thanks for the feedback - very helpful.