View Full Version : Handling plugins when screen space is limited

Cary B. Cornett
04-26-2016, 04:08 AM
Until recently, I have always been able to run a desktop much larger than my display screen, which has left me lots of "breathing room" for showing plugins or other applications while running a SawStudio session. For smaller remote sessions work, I have switched to a laptop running Win7, which will not allow me that old luxury. I want to be able to work without needing a second display attached (less to haul around). As much as Fkey view switching can help with this, it does not allow me a means to hide/show plugins :(

Is there another strategy for being able to have plugins open without blocking the main view, switching back and forth to see whichever I need at a given time?

Again, it would be great if I could do that with the Fkey thing, but since I can't.... how?

Butch Bos
04-26-2016, 07:00 AM
Try disabling always on top in the plug ins and set F key to blank


Cary B. Cornett
04-26-2016, 08:11 AM
Try disabling always on top in the plug ins and set F key to blank


Duh. Simiple common sense, and it definitely helps.


Bob L
04-26-2016, 09:42 AM
A very efficient way to work with many plugins is to keep them off the screen until needed... use an FKey like my default FKey 2 that displays any Mixer View along with the FX Choices, Pre and Pst patch windows... hit that FKey and you can now easily see all patched plugins and easily double-click any one to open, adjust and then close... as you scroll thru the channels with the wheel mouse, or jump to any chan in the mixer view, the patch windows chase along allowing instant access to any plugin patched anywhere.

Keeping the plugins off the screen once adjusted, gives you much more uncluttered access to other views that are important for the rest of your editing and mixing tasks.

Bob L