View Full Version : Auto tune EFX dissapeared...

07-07-2016, 10:50 AM
i´ve downloaded a demo of AutoTune EFX and installed it and autoriced in my iLok,questión is:Where is the .dll in my hard disk? i´m running windows 10 pro 64 bits,i guess there would be a dll somewhere and i could find it,any help?

07-07-2016, 11:09 AM
i´ve downloaded a demo of AutoTune EFX and installed it and autoriced in my iLok,questión is:Where is the .dll in my hard disk? i´m running windows 10 pro 64 bits,i guess there would be a dll somewhere and i could find it,any help?
...Found,in common files/vst2/ thanks anyway!

07-07-2016, 07:29 PM

I was just going to say, and the pun IS intended, either Auto just "tuned-in" and therefore, "left the building", or a real singer just entered the recording studio, and Auto "tuned-out"!!

PS: I am glad that you finally located the .dll!!