View Full Version : Time indicator issue in SS and SSL

07-19-2005, 07:30 AM
Hi, Bob -

In SS, I imported a [100-measure] MIDI file into the MWS. A value of 16,384 ticks was displayed (didn't know it could go that high). The TimeLine switched to Tempo Mode, and the time indicator displayed "00001>01>000."

I hit the End key, and the time indicator displayed "00100>06>7150." Now the time is too wide (caused by the "7150" value)...the graphic is flowing into the Marked Time area a bit.

Do the graphics need to be updated to allow for such extended values, or is it merely a MIDI file issue? (The file does load and play fine, however.)

Thanks in advance,

Bob L
07-19-2005, 07:41 AM
Therwas a bug that displays bad tick values... I have fixed it in the current latest MWS updates... at least I thought so... are you using version 1.5c?

If so... could you send me the midi file... the edl_mws file actually.

Bob L

07-21-2005, 10:38 PM
Here's a .zip containing the files, Bob. Yes, I am using v1.5c, which I downloaded recently.

Say, would it be possible to add an option to the TimeLine menu as follows:

It can be called "Dual Mode" or "Combi Mode" -- it would be a combination of Tempo Mode and a choice of either Time Mode or Smpte/MTC Mode (which can be selected via an additional menu item). [I wouldn't consider Sample Mode here.]

When this "Dual" or "Combi" Mode is selected, the Time Display would be split into two smaller displays, one on top of the other. I'd like to be able to view both the Smpte time [Smpte/MTC Mode] and the MIDI measure [Tempo Mode] simultaneously; this solution would fit the bill perfectly.

Yes, I know the Time Displays would be somewhat smaller; however, the idea would be to view "Dual" or "Combi" Mode during editing, where you're right in front of the screen. If you need to view the time or measure from across the room, then you would use one of the existing modes. That's why this would be an *option.* :)

Your thoughts would be appreciated. Of course, one thing at a time...hence, the attachment. :D

Best personal regards,

Bob L
07-22-2005, 03:00 AM
Try the dual timeline toggle mode...

Select Smpte from the Timeline menu... then select Tempo...

Now a simple Right-Click in the Timeline Display and it will toggle instantly between the two modes, even during playback.

I'll check the zip file.

Bob L

07-22-2005, 02:48 PM
Ha! I see you've thought of everything, Bob...works for me! :cool:

BTW, if I keep my eye on the tick setting when I import a MIDI file...as long as I resave with a "resonable" setting, such as 240 or [max of] 960, for example, I will avoid the graphic spill-over problem. However, if you find something...then so much the better. :)

Thanx again!

Best personal regards,

Bob L
07-22-2005, 02:57 PM
Well, it definitely seems the problem is the tick vale going over the 960... Are other sequencers of today actually using tick values higher than that?

That was the highest I ever saw when I started designing the code.

I will just have to put a trap in the import midi file routine.

Bob L

07-23-2005, 10:08 AM
I know, Bob...I never saw anything over 960 either. I wonder if the sequence was created on some Mac program...16,384...geez! :eek:

I will say this, though...it appears that 512, though smaller in value, is actually a better max than 960...here's why:

960 = ¼ note..............vs.............512 = ¼ note
480 = 8th note............vs.............256 = 8th note
240 = 16th note..........vs.............128 = 16th note
120 = 32nd note..........vs..............64 = 32nd note
60 = 64th note............vs............. 32 = 64th note
30 = 128th note...........vs.............16 = 128th note
15 = 256th note...........vs...............8 = 256th note
----------------..........vs...............4 = 512th note
----------------..........vs...............2 = 1,024th note
----------------..........vs...............1 = 2,048th note

512 yields a better "integer" resolution than 960, giving you 10 "equal" note values vs. 7. (A max of 768 will give you 9 note values.) In fact, I've seen 240 as the predominant tick value...another reason I'd go with 512 as the max...not too "fine" or "granular," and it allows more note values.

Your thoughts?

Bob L
07-23-2005, 10:34 AM
That all sounds intereting on first look... although, the basic values I used were to the basic standards I have seen in the other sequencers I looked at.

I may consider adding the 512 value into the list... we'll see.

The problem with midi and audio and smpte... nothing ever devides evenly into anything else... the whole thing is a mess when you get down to the programming details. :)

Bob L

Carey Langille
07-23-2005, 03:07 PM
Hey Bob, Just to let you know, this is the PPQ (pulse per Quarter note Resolution) taken from the spec sheet. PPQ res. 15360. And they state that it captures the real feel of a player...

Bob L
07-23-2005, 05:33 PM
Interesting to note that the actual sync playback of most sequencers can hardly maintain a stable non-jitter playback at 960 or less tick res... much less stay in sync with the audio tracks repeatably, at least in my experience, so I'm skeptical that such a high resolution has any real meaning in the actual playback performance...

But there will be those that probably feel differently about these types of discussions. :)

Bob L