View Full Version : Importing clips from different takes?

Oz Nimbus
07-12-2004, 01:00 PM
Hey guys, I'm sure this sounds ridiculous, but a little help here would be great.

I've been tracking drums for the last few days. Each take is saved to a different EDL. How would I go about flying in a clip from a previous take to the one I'm currently working on? I've never done this yet, hence the question.



07-12-2004, 02:39 PM
First start out by using multitrack layers! Multiple takes, all on the same track.. switchable on the fly!

Just import each take into a new layer and have at it.

Bob L
07-12-2004, 03:11 PM
The blend session option on the File menu will allow you to start mixing multiple edls....

You can blend to the end of an existing edl on the same tracks... but then channel global settings and plugins for the blended edl are ignored... or jump down to the first empty track under the first edl and blend there... the blend will offset all the tracks and allow all plugins and channel module global settings to blend also... then you can cut, copy, and otherwise manipulate the two sessions as one.

If you just want to blend certain small sections of an edl, then save that edl as a different spin-off and clean out all the extra stuff you don't want before the blend.

Bob L