View Full Version : New SAWStudio Demo user

01-21-2006, 02:03 PM
Hello everyone,

I downloaded the SAWStudio Demo today along with the movies and would like to get to know this application. I'm relatively new to digital recording and much of this stuff is pretty confusing to me. For the last several weeks I've been using N-Track but have been experiencing too many freezes and crashes and am shopping around for something new.

I'm having some problems playing back my recorded audio. The sound is all garbled and scratchy. The weird thing is that if I go into my C:\Audio folder and double click the wave file, it plays perfectly.

Here is a list of the steps I did:

Options || Audio Driver Model || Asio Protocol || E-MU ASIO

Options || Audio Device Setup - E-MU ASIO || Wave Device Out 01 - Asio - ASIO31/32

Out Preload Buffers - 4

Out Buffer Size - 440 Samples (unchangeable)

Options || Audio Device Setup - E-MU ASIO || Wave Device In 01 - Asio - DOCK Mic/Line A

In Preload Buffers - 6

In Buffer Size - 440 Samples (unchangeable)

MultiTrack || Resolution || 24 Bits

File || Save Session As || C:\Audio\my song.edl

Label first two tracks (Guitar 1, Guitar 2)

Arm 1st track || D-01S || Mono Devices || [01] (Dev 01L) Asio - DOCK Mic/Line A

I recorded the guitar direct using the Emu 1820m.
I'm sure I've missed something but I don't know what it is :) Please help this newbie out. Thanks!

01-21-2006, 03:19 PM
I guess I should have run a search first :D Looks like the problem lies with my audio card.

Neal Starrett
01-21-2006, 03:55 PM
Misha, I had this card at one time and had the same problems. I am not sure but you might want to check if Emu updated the drivers . Try increasing in/out buffers also but that may lead to unusable latency. Not sure. Also, you might be able to use the High Performance Multimedia, in the driver model within SS and this may help. Others who know will hopefully chime in. HTH


Bob L
01-21-2006, 04:55 PM
Yes... now I do remember some issues with the EMu drivers... many were having difficulty getting it to work.

I don't know if there was ever a solution discovered.

Bob L

Naturally Digital
01-22-2006, 10:27 AM
Hi Misha,

Right under the menu item "Asio protocol" in the Audio Driver Model menu, there's an item named "Asio driver setup".

That's where you should be able to change the buffer sizes. In Asio, the buffer size is controlled by the driver, that's why it's greyed out in the Device settings window.

Call me if you'd like me to walk you through any of this stuff.

01-26-2006, 05:37 AM
Hi David,

thanks for the tip. I've managed to get really great results setting the buffer latency to 100ms. It's the highest setting but it's the only one that produces a clean playback.
I'm very new to all this and am wondering if there is any disadvantage to setting the latency so high. I thought the lower the better. I'm not experiencing any latency when I'm tracking so I'm thinking that's a good thing :D

Anyways, off to play some more. Thanks again.

Neal Starrett
01-26-2006, 08:27 AM
Misha, if you are monitoring thru Saw or playing a VSTi synth then 100ms will be unworkable because of the latency. There will be a huge delay from the time you sing or touch the keyboard and you acually hear it. This is not an issue with direct monitoring thru the card though. On the plus side, a higher setting gives your pc more breathing room. 100ms is awefully high though. If I remember correctly I was able to get the Emu much lower than that. Try setting a different number of preload buffers. I recommnd reading up on buffers and how they work. Theres good info in the live tutorials on this. HTH

01-26-2006, 10:25 AM
Hi niles, I appreciate the reply. I'm going to look into the buffer stuff. So much to learn eh :) Thanks!