View Full Version : ANWIDA Soft Spazio for SAWStudio 1.0.1 released

Andrea Forlani
08-06-2004, 02:24 AM
Hi All,

we have just released Spazio for SAWStudio 1.0.1. Info about this new minor release can be found on our Announcements forum at http://www.anwida.com/forum

At this moment, all Spazio for SAWStudio 1.0 registered customers should have received info on how to get their free upgrade. If not, please contact us.

08-06-2004, 07:52 AM
Andrea -
Thanks much for the awesome support!! :)

Can't wait to check out the Multiband Comp! (btw - I vote for 5 bands - although usually I only need 3).

And for farther in the future - how about a SAW native Convolver or a SAW native Drum Machine/Sampler with a built in step sequencer?? That would be mighty cool.

Best regards,
Steve Berson

Naturally Digital
08-06-2004, 08:34 AM
Oh man! I have to get some work done but now I'm going to HAVE to check it out and of course purchase it before the deadline!

I'm with Steve, I vote to add 3 or 4 more hours to each day!

All in favor???

Thanks Andrea!

Andrea Forlani
08-06-2004, 09:31 AM
thank you for your ideas and suggestions as always MUCH appreciated.
I can say that we have an ambitious project in mind but, at the moment, it is not possible to say more. You know, good ideas have to be guarded jealously till the right moment :D

Jon Stoll
08-06-2004, 10:10 AM

Thank you so much for such great service. Spazio has become my favorite reverb already, and I own almost every one out there.

Jon Stoll

08-06-2004, 01:19 PM
I had a concern when I read there was an activation app with version 1.01. The normal SAW plug-in model has been none of the headaches associated with activating a plug-in. Additionally, the SAW license allows a user to install SAW on multiple machines, which requires the same ability from SAW Native plug-ins.

Can someone from ANWIDA confirm that the 1.01 app will allow installation on multiple machines?


08-06-2004, 01:42 PM
I just installed the saw native bundle yesterday and was surprised to find the need for this activation utility as well.

Not only that, but I then had to uninstall everything I had just gotten set up yesterday, save the presets I'd already made for my current set of sessions and then reinstall and reactivate the new version which, of course, was not included in the bundle that I just purchased and installed the day before.

I too am concerned about this activation thing in a native plugin for Saw. How is this going to screw up my sessions in the future after I've upgraded my computer or switched to a new computer entirely.

I was reluctant to bring this up at all (to the Anwida people), but after seeing this, I just had to say something...

08-06-2004, 03:08 PM
We DON'T like or want activation garbage. That's why we hate Win XP.
Come on Anwida you can trust Saw users :)
(if I'm reading this wrong or there is no activation,which there isn't in the version of the Anwida Saw bundle I just got 2 days ago, then... nevermind.)

Andrea Forlani
08-06-2004, 03:19 PM
UpTilDawn and ghowardjr, thank you for posting your doubts. Here are some clarifications.

I had a concern when I read there was an activation app with version 1.01.

I too am concerned about this activation thing in a native plugin for Saw

As you have noticed our products do not adopt protection systems too intrusive as hardware keys or too strict as machine dependent codes, etc...But just a small activation software. This software simply writes your registration data, the plug-in then reads and verifies them. That's all. The activation software and the plug-in are not delivered togheter for security reasons. This simple system allows us to protect a litte bit from software piracy and fraudulent orders. We also think that this system is not a big headache for users. The activation procedure has to be done only one time after the plug-in installation.
And you will be able to activate your plug-in on as many machines as you want.

Can someone from ANWIDA confirm that the 1.01 app will allow installation on multiple machines?
Yes, our plug-ins can be installed and activated on all your machines.

I then had to uninstall everything...save the presets...
We suggest to uninstall, save the preset bank and then reinstall to give a simple, linear and safe standard procedure for all kinds of users. You know that there are users that are not too PC skilled. Some developers don't care if users lose their data when they update their software. We care about your and our work.
It was not strictly necessary to uninstall before installing the update. Our was just a suggestion.
SS native plug-ins are not COM DLLs therefore they don't require a system registration/un-registration. We have provided a standard InstallShield setup for all users convenience.

I hope this is of some help

I'm with Steve, I vote to add 3 or 4 more hours to each day!...
David, I'm with you. My vote to double each day hours :)

Thank you for ordering Spazio for SAWStudio. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

08-06-2004, 04:17 PM
Thank you for clarifying. I certainly want you guys to continue making money, just wanted to make sure I wasn't losing functionality by upgrading.

Thanks again,

08-06-2004, 05:07 PM
I too am grateful for your quick clarification.
Thanks for a great product. Good to know I can use these plugins with confidence.