View Full Version : VSTi Parameters Not Saving With Session

Craig Allen
08-26-2006, 07:54 PM
I have found another VSTi whose parameters will not save with an edl - Drumatic 3. It's a free 808 style drum machine that can be found here (http://www.e-phonic.com/plugins/drumatic3.php). I've tried to save its settings as a SAWStudio preset and that doesn't work either - everytime I close and re-open the session, it's set back to the default settings. Please help, Bob!

08-26-2006, 08:16 PM
Thinks for the link, I downloaded it.

Bob L
08-26-2006, 09:41 PM

I checked it out and fixed the problem in 4.0.

Again this is a case of huge data size for settings... it truly is getting ridiculous... I increased my max buffer size for VST saves and that seems to solve the issue.... but I will say, this plugin is extremely slow to load and clear and causes the edl loads to take quite a long time compared to the SS standard of instantaneous session loads.

It also seems to do some other strange things with loading presets and overwriting the defaults... none of the other VST plugs I use exhibit this behaviour.

But... this fix should probably help some of the others that are failing to save if in fact it is as I previously suspected due to the settings data growing to very large values.

Thanks for the link... it hopefully solved some of these issues... although I must say that for me... I doubt I would ever use this plugin seriously in my work.

Bob L

Craig Allen
08-26-2006, 09:59 PM
Thanks for the fix, Bob - I look forward to 4.0. I found this plug to be useful for distorted electronica sounding drums - when you screw with the envelopes, it can give some really interesting sounds (and it's free).