View Full Version : OT: MPG question

12-18-2007, 09:31 PM

I have a .WMV 3 meg and I am trying to make it into a MPG. This works ok but the MPG is 12 meg using the Sorenson Video Converter.

Does anyone know if MPG can be made same size?


Naturally Digital
12-18-2007, 10:45 PM
Does anyone know if MPG can be made same size?Have you tried adjusting all the settings in the encoder to optimize for a small filesize? You should set the bitrate as low as possible, make sure the resolution is the same as the wmv, use maximum compression and if there's an option for it you should use multiple passes.

If you don't see these options in the encoder then I seriously doubt you'll be able to make it the same size. wmv is generally a more compressed format than mpeg.