View Full Version : Adjusting regions with tempo maps

04-20-2008, 03:02 PM
Is there a way to adjust regions and stretch/move any tempo maps in the corresponding area?

Or perhaps simpler, a way to insert measures thereby offsetting all tempo maps and regions by that amount?

Bob L
04-20-2008, 04:08 PM
Using MWS you can work with tempo maps easily... then adjust your regions to the new grid afterwards.

You can insert measures in MWS, then snap your regions to the grid.

Bob L

04-21-2008, 05:10 AM
Ok, insert/delete measures seems to work.

Setting time signature oddly to allow deleting of partial measures works pretty well too ;)

It would be nice if delete measure worked in beats.

Bob L
04-21-2008, 08:37 AM
Delete measure deletes a MEASURE.... I would think a Delete Beats option would be used for deleting BEATS... but... setting the time sig to 1/4 would give you a measure 1 beat long and you can then delete that measure... or simply change the time sig of a 4/4 bar to 3/4 and it will automatically create the extra as a 1/4 bar which you can then delete.

Bob L

04-21-2008, 10:17 AM
Delete measure deletes a MEASURE.... I would think a Delete Beats option would be used for deleting BEATS... but... setting the time sig to 1/4 would give you a measure 1 beat long and you can then delete that measure... or simply change the time sig of a 4/4 bar to 3/4 and it will automatically create the extra as a 1/4 bar which you can then delete.

Bob L

Yes that's correct.

I worked around it as mentioned. I just changed the measure to a time sig of X/4 then deleted that measure as required.

The only problem is that it did not adjust the conductor track's downbeats accordingly. I had to manually reset it for the duration until the next tempo map.

Bob L
04-21-2008, 02:35 PM
The Conductor Track usually rescans and chases any new tempo map changes... if the new measure was set correctly in time sig, the Conductor Track should have made the adjustment.

Bob L

04-21-2008, 03:14 PM
The Conductor Track usually rescans and chases any new tempo map changes... if the new measure was set correctly in time sig, the Conductor Track should have made the adjustment.

Bob L

It was not this friendly to me. I know of at least two times it explicitly changed the downbeat note to the second or third beat. Deleting and recreating the conductor track fixed it fine.

I suspect it may have to do with the absolute cluster@$% of time sig and tempo changes...

In the end everything is aligned perfectly to the music and rocking... I'll be doing this all again in a week or so. I'll make not of anything I can replicate then.

Bob L
04-21-2008, 04:34 PM
I am wondering about a code change I made in the last update that may only update the conductor track from where the change is made to the end... this could be what messes up in your situation.

Bob L