View Full Version : For your listening pleasure

09-01-2008, 08:18 AM
Hey folks!
In case you're in a listening mood today, KCCK radio is streaming an entire day of the Iowa City JazzFest from July of this year. http://www.kcck.org/
Click on "Listen Now" on the left of the main page.

10 bands ranging from some great regional acts like Sam Salamone Organ Trio and Euforquestra to majors, including Jenny Sheinman, Bonerama, Garaj Mahal and the Joshua Redman Trio.

All recorded and mixed in SawStudio of course! (by me). The original live broadcast of the three day festival was also mixed using SAC with great success.

Enjoy the holiday and stay happy and well.


Ian Alexander
09-01-2008, 08:39 AM
Hey folks!
In case you're in a listening mood today, KCCK radio is streaming an entire day of the Iowa City JazzFest from July of this year. http://www.kcck.org/
Click on "Listen Now" on the left of the main page.

10 bands ranging from some great regional acts like Sam Salamone Organ Trio and Euforquestra to majors, including Jenny Sheinman, Bonerama, Garaj Mahal and the Joshua Redman Trio.

All recorded and mixed in SawStudio of course! (by me). The original live broadcast of the three day festival was also mixed using SAC with great success.

Enjoy the holiday and stay happy and well.

Right now, I'm hearing an organ solo and for some reason I feel like roller skating.:o But it sounds great, Dan!

09-01-2008, 09:09 AM
That would be the Sal Salamone Trio..... in the tradition of the great Jazz oraganists..... Jimmy Smith, Larry Young, etc.
Maybe they played the rinks for extra cash. :rolleyes:


09-01-2008, 09:37 AM
Don't know how I could have forgotten them, but MMW (Martin, Medeski and Wood) are jammin' as I type.

Check it out if you get the time.
