View Full Version : scene window properties

09-05-2008, 01:26 AM
How do I select a specific channel in the scene properties window,
is it something to come:).

do you have any plans for a update one or more parameters for all or selected scenes:)


Bob L
09-05-2008, 07:55 AM
You create the partial channel list when you create or update a scene... if you have selected channels at that time, they create a partial channel scene.

You can update the properties by simply right-clicking a scene and changing any property and clicking OK... you do not have to also update the scene itself.

I removed the multi-select option in the scenes list at the moment because it seemed too easy to slip the mouse and create double selections when trying to recall... not sure if I will bring multiple selection back later or not.

Bob L

09-06-2008, 02:58 PM
Now I get it:o...I guess its because I am use to the opposit design,
I must admit your design open op some new doors for me, its actually
very smart to be able to save (I call it active channels) per scene.
I have made some test scenes where scene2 is still xfade parameters
hvile scene 3 is begining change parameters on other channels:eek:.

Thanks for your good solutions.