View Full Version : uad plugs

11-20-2004, 02:00 PM
Hello, just demo user, I own sonalksis and blockfish compressors and I´m pretty amazed with these software (and Bob´s built-in dynamics). Would uad-1 stuff provide enough improvement to my mixes?

Thank you

Jesse Skeens
11-20-2004, 05:16 PM
I ahd a UAD but sold it after I compared it to the Sonalksis and Voxengo stuff.

11-20-2004, 06:00 PM
Short answer, no.

Longer answer, no. No plugin will do as much for your mixes as a good recording to begin with. Better mics, pre-amps, monitors etc... Assuming you're up into that, Saw provides nearly everything you could need to make great mixes. Toss on voxengo, sonalksis, jms, digitalfishphones... bleh.

11-20-2004, 08:35 PM
I really like the UA stuff myself... but these things are all up to the user and very, very subjective. Will they help your mixes? Who knows? And... the answer to that question is... only you! ;)

They might... or maybe not. There really is no exact situation where if you have "this"... you will automatically get "that".

For me, in my opinion, the thing to do is to figure out what it is you want to end up with first... then find the tools that will allow you to do this.

When some people say they tried "X" and they didn't like it, but they tried "Y" and they liked that... what is happening (again in my opinion) is that they are choosing the tools that they feel comfortable with and that they perceive will "do the job for them". :)

The "sounds" actually come from you... not the plug-ins. They are only tools. You "create" the sounds that you want... then you use the "tools" to bring that out where others can hear it. Or at least that's how it should be... in my opinion.

It's not that none of these tools matter, or that they have no effect on the outcome, but how you use the tools and manipulate the sounds will do more in determining what you end with than the tools themselves.

In many cases, and to some degree, everyone has the same stuff. So what *you* do is the deciding factor. In fact, if someone insinuates that you got a certain sound because of "so and so" plug-in... well... I wouldn't necessarily take that as a compliment actually. :rolleyes: I would rather look at it that you were after a certain sound, and you picked the right tool and used it in the right way to get it.

What matters is the final outcome... whatever you use to achieve that is to some degree irrelevant.

Believe it or don't! ;)

All the best,


And just to add... there is the thing too that if you truly believe that you need a certain thing to get the proper results, then probably you're right... one way or another... and you might as well get it then! ;)

Soverign State
11-21-2004, 06:33 PM
Good point. :)

11-21-2004, 07:34 PM
I too LOVE my UAD plugs. But Saw Studio, with the right useage. By a skilled tec. can produce WONDERFULL sounding music. I think the UAD plugs are just the topping on the cake!!! But Saw Studio is the cake! (And take the cake also)

So use them both!! Can't do any better than that!

11-21-2004, 08:12 PM
awesome post Perry!