Already been done for many years now... its how samplerate conversion is handled.
Bob L
Type: Posts; User: Bob L
Already been done for many years now... its how samplerate conversion is handled.
Bob L
There is a rename Regions in the Regions menu... use that to simply rename any region however you want.
Bob L
The Mackie MCU can be used to control the entire chan strip... eq, compressor, etc... use the Mackie control template with it.
Bob L
Most likely there is a missing name resolution service on the one that does not work... I don't remember all the network services that need to be running for that to work, but it probably has to do...
Sometimes, importing midi from certain midi programs may set the tick setting to a different value than one of the default common values which could be the source of the issue.
Bob L
Session crashes here also... but I did notice that as the session opens, there is no setting checked for Tick Resolution... somehow it has a tick res that is not one of the menu selection defaults......
My Bad... I totally spaced the fact that we were talking about the Return and Out tracks when I mentioned using blank regions as place holders for automation... duhhh... senior moment here.
You can also use Blank Regions on Return and Output tracks as a place holder for automation entries.
Bob L
There are many variations on where you hear the solos and what audio it interrupts or doesn't... check the helpfile... it is explained in detail in the menu reference guide section of the Mixer menu....
Check that there is not some plugin patched in the output section that might be blocking the audio thruput... if a fresh install works, perhaps there is something hidden in the loop.
Bob L
Pedro... try to checkout as a guest rather than using an account... see if that helps.
Bob L
Working on it... dozens of vst3 plugins are working... other dozens not... its a tough scene because it seems everybody interpreted the interface on their own since documentation is as stupid as the...
Bluecat Patchwork has worked well for me in the 64 bit SS. There are some compatibility issues, but seems to work fine for many of the vst3 plugins.
I am writing VST3 native for SS64, but there...
Stick with Windows 10 for as long as you can... you don't need any more updates... in fact I do my best to stop the machine from updating... set up your system and keep it clean from the internet...
I don't.
Bob L
SAW can only use one Mackie unit... since you are not really mixing live during a mixdown in SAW, I felt that 8 faders was enough.
Bob L
Try out My Levelizer plugin... pretty tough to beat as an overall bus compressor, if I do say so myself.
Bob L
No... you did not miss the update... life here got complicated since that message thread and I did fix the issue but never got the update released... its sitting here waiting to be cpmpleted with a...
Another option would be to cut the track region where each preset change is wanted, then move the next section to another track and patch the new plugin settings on that track... by splitting the...
Bob L
Resetting Track Order creates and undo entry... simply use the Edit/Undo function if you reset the track order by accident.
Bob L
Make sure that the SAC startup icon is set to "Run As Administrator" and that the SAC option to force realtime priority is checked... see if that makes a difference.
Bob L
Seems to work here... engaging the button while playing back in the Multitrack with the shift key depressed sets the rewind point to the current playback position for me.
Bob L
I have had luck using Fusion in place of parallels.
Bob L
Using BlueCat Patchwork and I have the same problem... vst3 loads... but I can't get the blobs to show up... Not sure if its a Melodyne issue or the wrapper or me... I have to use it standalone for...
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