I strongly suggest that you peruse my earlier posts on this "subject".
As a past SynthEdit user, I came across many - myself included, that though we were calling ourselves "developers"...
Type: Posts; User: mr_es335
I strongly suggest that you peruse my earlier posts on this "subject".
As a past SynthEdit user, I came across many - myself included, that though we were calling ourselves "developers"...
I do not believe that you what you are wanting to do is not possible in SAW.
However, I have configured such "scenarios" employing a scripting language called "AutoIt"...which can...
There is a total of twenty-five commands located under eight menu options - with the sole objective of assisting me in the development of, and the management of, all of the various aspects...
Good day,
I have just completed the final version of the "RML Labs Session|Show Development" menu script.
Here is an image of the completed script, along with where that menu is positioned...
Good day,
I have just completed the final version of the "RML Labs Session|Show Development" menu script.
Here is an image of the completed script, along with where that menu is positioned...
I agree!!
I very much dislike "assumptions"...or inconclusive postings.
If you have something to say, then simply "SAY IT"!
On the other-hand, jmh, have you ever heard of "venture...
By-the-way, my new laptop-based rig is under 20lbs!
I will send pics when completed.
This should be of some assistance...[Click_Me]
Also, this...[Click_Me] ...summation...
"[I]Accessories built to Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt 2 specifications are not supported by...
Keep us updated as to you progress!!
What do you means by the following:
1) ...the track names...
2) ...the original file names...
Have a look-see at this:
Part A
You stated, "This does not, however, rename the region displayed name in the MT and Regions View."
Correct! Until Bob chimes-in, the only way I know of correcting this anomaly is to employ...
Good day,
#1: John, please disregard my message.
#2: Dan, I do believe that this is a question for Bob directly.
From what I am able to ascertain, there are "system-level things going on", and...
It appears to be a corrupted "Studio_Midi_WorkShop64.prf" data file.
I suggest the following:
1) Back-up the "Studio_Midi_WorkShop64.prf" data file
2) Delete the...
Check your email...
Great video card! Just install the bare-bones drivers. Avoid installing any of the "add-on" stuff.
PS: If you know how to what I refer to as a "back-door install" - or "manual install",...
Good day,
I would "assume" that many were rather curious with regards to the Forum?
All that really-and-truly matters is that I do sincerely hope that Bob is alright?
What a great story! And I hope somewhat humbling for "the pro's"!
Thanks for sharing...appreciated!!
Good day,
I teach a part-time class at a local high-school on the topic of "Rearranging with MIDI". This class involves the employment of SAWStudio, Midi Workshop and KONTAKT! I am now in my...
Good day,
If anyone is interested in these scripts, please let me know the following in an email [Please do not PM me...]:
1) If you ARE NOT going to employ TTA, then you do not require...
Good day,
The following text may appear to be rather long-winded, and even maybe to some, pointless. But, there is a meaning-to-my-madness! So, I ask that you please be patient with me....
Good day,
In a recent posting entitled, "Add Sound File To MT", MMP had noted, "I rarely use that command. I almost always use library view to add files" ... though I had heard of "Libraries", I...
Have you tried another DAW?
The sole purpose of my mentioning is...that we have had way too many people recording with mics in SAW - and ALL without issue!
Audacity is very popular, as...
Good day,
I have completed a major update to Session Development Main Menu, which is now entitled, "Session|Show Development Main Menu".
You stated, "I rarely use that command. I almost always use library view to add files."
"WOW!" ...and.. "WOW!...WOW!", "Doppio wow!", "Doppeltes Wow!, "Doble sorpre!"
I never knew that...
Good day,
Of the many menu opinion available within the SAWStudio environment, there is one in particular that I tend to access rather frequently, and that is the "Add Sound File To MT" menu...
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