I've been happily using SawStudio for many years, (version 1.4n, I think) on a Windows XP computer, using the JMS CSG to create cuesheets, and EAC to burn CDs.
Suddenly, in the last 2 days, when...
Type: Posts; User: JR1
I've been happily using SawStudio for many years, (version 1.4n, I think) on a Windows XP computer, using the JMS CSG to create cuesheets, and EAC to burn CDs.
Suddenly, in the last 2 days, when...
Many thanks: both problems solved. As far as the 'missing icons' issue is concerned, I should of course have typed 'taskbar' rather than 'desktop' in the first place. Sadly, the mental torpor of old...
I've just set up my long-established SawStudio system to work with the RME Babyface, but have encountered two problems.
1. I've forgotten how to save the input and output settings that I've chosen...
Lots of interesting stuff in the recommended sites! In the meantime, we've found a successful 'workaround' for the current project, which leaves both us and the client happy.
Thanks again to all...
Thanks for everyone's thoughts, and the link to the Larry Jordan thread. Frustratingly, when we followed that through, it resulted in a disc that contained audio and video files, but was not...
Thanks for the helpful ideas and questions offered here so far. In response I can say:
1. We have tried the 'use a third party app to burn the DVD' approach, using DVD Creator, and we find exactly...
Thanks: that does seem to be the most practical approach! There seem to be a number of possible apps for the task: has anyone a recommendation, from personal experience, of a suitable,...
It's a 44.1, 16 bit stereo wav file. No compression, but with levels set so that peaks reach to 1dB below maximum.
Just in case it's relevant, I should add that when we check the levels of the...
Hello all
I have tried a number of online sources, without success, in search of an answer to this problem. Given that the audio side of the project has been recorded and mixed in SawStudio, I...
Thanks for rapid and very helpful replies.
One quick follow-up on another aspect of the installation: once I've installed SawStudio, and adjusted the boundaries of the displayed image to fill the...
Encouraged by the always-helpful comments and advice in a previous thread, I now have some time to spend moving SawStudio from my trusty XP machine to a new W10 desktop.
My existing XP system...
As ever, lots of useful thoughts and information from the SawStudio community. It certainly looks as if the 'ordinary' Windows 10 route, with appropriate tweaks, is the best option, on balance.
Thanks Dell. I did know that the Home Edition of Windows 10 would be ruled out if I opt for the virtualisation approach. Regarding your other point, the local computer man is carefully checking the...
Hello all. As I'm not in a position to have a separate computer exclusively for SawStudio, I'm looking for the best way of still being able to use the program on a new computer I'm planning which,...
Excellent! Thanks again for all this invaluable help.
Once again, really helpful: much appreciated.
Given the intended load on the machine, mentioned in one of my earlier replies, any thoughts on suitable processor speed?
With renewed thanks
Great! Thanks for the extra details.
Many thanks! And to answer your question, the new machine will replace an existing desktop, so I was assuming a desktop would again be best?
Anyone have any thoughts on processor speed and amount...
After many years happily recording with a Windows XP computer (Pentium 4, 2.67 GHz, 2 GB RAM, Hard Drive split 40 GB for C, 450 GB for D) I'm planning to move to a Windows 10 machine, to be used,...
Thank you. Obviously, I need to sharpen up my reading skills!
Belatedly, I'm about to install the latest version of EAC. Will it automatically overwrite my earlier version, or does that need to be deleted first?
Ultimately, I re-installed CSG, and then re-selected EAC as the burning program. Since then, everything works as expected again!
Thanks for your thoughts.
I've created a CD layout in SawStudioBasic and followed the normal process I use to make a cuesheet ('build mix to fx'). But when the process finishes, I no longer get the usual 'Do you want to open...
Just as an experiment, I've now uninstalled /reinstalled EAC a second time. I'm glad to say that, presumably as a result, I now no longer get a Write Error message of any kind. But a new issue still...
Sadly, still no joy! I've now replaced the ribbon cable and tried different blank media (including, just for fun, a couple of CDRWs). But I still get the message 'write error: send cue sheet: no...
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