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  1. #1

    Default Okeechobee Mudfest with SAC

    Recently I used my SAC rig for the Okeechobee Mudfest, lots of great reviews from the artist and tour managers. Friday night artist included Nashville recording artist "Tom Jackson" and "Tyler Farr", Saturday nights artist were "The Lacs" and "Rhett Akins". The tour manager and guitar player for "Rhett Akins" commented after the show that that was the first time they had returned to the stage at show time and the sound on stage was exactly the same without any change. Way to go Bob.
    Here are some images from the weekend.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Okeechobee Mudfest with SAC

    Looks awesome!

    What SAC shade are you using?

    Clifford A. Fahl
    Audio-Visual Director
    Senior Audio Engineer
    South Coast Fellowship Church

    Win 7 Ultimate, 60GB Corsair SSD, I5 2500K 3.3GHZ, 8GB Kingston Hyper X, ASUS Sabertooth P67
    2- RME Raydat, 2- Focusrite OctoPre Dyn, 4-ADA8000, 1-Mackie MCU/XT, 37in Vizio LED

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Albuquerque, N.M.

    Default Re: Okeechobee Mudfest with SAC

    Yeah...what SCF Soundguy says. I like that shade! Which one is it?

    Also, was your FOH remote wireless? I don't see any cables going to FOH.

    Also, an entire BCF2K for drums? Nice!!!

    Did you have a monitor guy at your host system?

    What a kewl setup. Also, I like those patch bays. HOSA occasionally makes some good stuff there....

    And a line array? Geeze...first class all the way! Looks like the new Mackie Line Array maybe? I can't tell the brand from the pictures.

    And is that an analog desk case that you have your SAC rig setup on? "Just in case???" I always bring an analog desk to my shows, too. But honestly, SAC hasn't given me a tinge of trouble. Now I just bring it for Murphy.

    All-in-all, I love it! "Combat audio" at its finest! Way to go, brother!
    Last edited by Donnie Frank; 08-30-2011 at 09:50 PM.

    Intel DG965OT Motherboard (11/17/08) - Intel P4 LGA-775 651 (Cedar Mill) 3.4GHz CPU
    2.0GB 800Mhz RAM - 40GB Intel X25-V SSD - 500GB SATA "Spinner"

    RME HDSP 9652 (x2 - 1 spare) - Behringer ADA8000 (x5 - 2 spares)
    CM MotorMix (x3 - Host system) - Behringer BCF-2000 (Remote system)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Okeechobee Mudfest with SAC

    The shade is the Facelift Dark.
    I run the BCF2K in 24ch mode with no chase to hot ch, that way I can also jump to the next 24 ch or to the bus mixes and FX sends.
    I run the host system in monitor world and a remote system either wireless or on a cat5e at the FOH position, this particular show I was conected via cat5e to the FOH. We had FOH techs and Mon techs working the console as well as one remote laptop. Yes the HOSA patchbay's were the only ones I could find in a pinch that were easy to setup and are very easy to repair if needed. The line array is a custom setup with 4" voice coil 15" B&C woofers with a 3" voice coil horn driver, on the bottom for front fill are 4 compact custom cabs with dual 4.5" woofers and a 1 3/4" 180 degree wave guide horn, which runs on a separate output bus and Four double 18" sub cabs with RCF L18P300.
    Yes that is a backup console that all the BCF2K are setup on,lol, it is actually a digital console though, until I get my redundant power supplies in for both of the computers I will lug it along, plus it makes a nice desk for the BCF2K and monitors, building a custom case for that also, tired of setting it up every show.
    Still pushing the limits with the SAC to see who I can get to use it in the real world. I have a show this weekend with Country music Nashville recording artist "John Anderson".
    Also have been recording a few shows with the SAW runing via SAW/SAC link, so far no issues and recordings sound amazing, couple more test with it and I think I will be comfortable. I also have Sonar and it seems to work flawlessly in the background also, but no link to use it with the SAC and of course remotely for that matter.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Renton, WA near Seattle

    Default Re: Okeechobee Mudfest with SAC

    WoW. That's looks like a tough site and crowd! They didn't even mow the grass! Looks like real mud behind FOH.

    Thanks for the pics!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Albuquerque, N.M.

    Default Re: Okeechobee Mudfest with SAC

    Sorry more questions..

    Quote Originally Posted by bubsand View Post

    The shade is the Facelift Dark.
    Is that one of Brent's shades? Or is it Brett? I always get those two confused!

    Quote Originally Posted by bubsand View Post

    I run the BCF2K in 24ch mode with no chase to hot ch, that way I can also jump to the next 24 ch or to the bus mixes and FX sends.
    I presently use a single BCF2K via a USB interface. Are you using USB or MIDI? I like the simplicity of the USB setup and the fact that it's a standard USB printer cable. If I'm getting you correctly, do you shift the UI via F-Keys, and this gets you your other 24 faders? Or do you jog the BCF over via the BCF bank button(s)? If so, do all three of them jog over to the next 24 channels with the push of a single bank button?

    Quote Originally Posted by bubsand View Post

    I run the host system in monitor world and a remote system either wireless or on a cat5e at the FOH position, this particular show I was conected via cat5e to the FOH.
    Wow...I scrutinized the crap out of that picture. I couldn't find the CAT5. Did you fly it or something?

    Quote Originally Posted by bubsand View Post

    The line array is a custom setup with 4" voice coil 15" B&C woofers with a 3" voice coil horn driver, on the bottom for front fill are 4 compact custom cabs with dual 4.5" woofers and a 1 3/4" 180 degree wave guide horn, which runs on a separate output bus and Four double 18" sub cabs with RCF L18P300.
    "Custom cabs?" Did you build them yourself or have them built? Sorry to bother you with so many questions, but I'm fascinated by your rig and this is the exact direction I wish to go in. Do those dual 4.5" cabs really help with mid clarity? Do you run those hard or not really? I've never seen a line array subsidized with a mini line array...very interesting!

    Is the RCF L18P300 a neodymium speaker? I Googled that model number and came up with several different speakers.

    Quote Originally Posted by bubsand View Post

    Yes that is a backup console that all the BCF2K are setup on,lol, it is actually a digital console though, until I get my redundant power supplies in for both of the computers I will lug it along, plus it makes a nice desk for the BCF2K and monitors, building a custom case for that also, tired of setting it up every show.
    I bet! It looks like my case, which dons an analog console. Very heavy...two man operation monster...ugh...

    Quote Originally Posted by bubsand View Post

    Still pushing the limits with the SAC to see who I can get to use it in the real world. I have a show this weekend with Country music Nashville recording artist "John Anderson".
    Also have been recording a few shows with the SAW runing via SAW/SAC link, so far no issues and recordings sound amazing, couple more test with it and I think I will be comfortable.
    I haven't purchased SAW yet. I've been recording board mix via the TapeIt plugin. Depending on how I have to mix the room, some of the recordings have come out really nice. I don't have the patience for post-production, so SAW is kind of far down my list. I thought about offering a "raw .wav files" package for my ProTools clients. Here's a 2 channel recording I did last week if you're interested:

    Quote Originally Posted by bubsand View Post

    I also have Sonar and it seems to work flawlessly in the background also,
    What is Sonar?

    Quote Originally Posted by bubsand View Post

    but no link to use it with the SAC and of course remotely for that matter.
    <nod> Yep. I find I mix remotely (wirelessly) about 50% of the time these days. Seems my FOH is never in a good representation of the room. Such is "combat audio"...<:^)

    Thanx for answering my questions. I hope I'm not buggin' ya too much.

    Intel DG965OT Motherboard (11/17/08) - Intel P4 LGA-775 651 (Cedar Mill) 3.4GHz CPU
    2.0GB 800Mhz RAM - 40GB Intel X25-V SSD - 500GB SATA "Spinner"

    RME HDSP 9652 (x2 - 1 spare) - Behringer ADA8000 (x5 - 2 spares)
    CM MotorMix (x3 - Host system) - Behringer BCF-2000 (Remote system)

  7. #7
    brettbrandon Guest

    Default Re: Okeechobee Mudfest with SAC

    The shade is byTerry Gorle.
    It can be found here.....

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