Hello again, all.

I said I wouldn't be bothering you all so much once I got a little more comfortable with this new incarnation of SAW. Well, sometime this past week, I hit that point and I'm really starting to enjoy using it now.

However, there's one little thing that's gnawing at me. In my old version of SAW, there was an easy way to save an EQ setting for retrieval later. For example, once I put together the perfect setting for a particular voice artist, I could save it and call it up every time that person sent me a track. I've searched for a way to do this in SAW Basic, even read the manual again, and I simply can't find it. I must be stoooopid.

Anyway, can you help?

(Also, I've never resolved the buffer underrun errors and the lag in the mouse when I try to right click and stop a track. Still, having gotten used to these things, I LOVE this software!)