When working in SawStudio, I almost always use one of three compressors:
The built-in channel compressor,
Levelizer, and
the Ultrafunk compressor.

I happen to like the GUI of the Ultrafunk Compressor, but the main feature that draws me to it is the "knee" adjustment that lets me set a range, in dB, for the transition from no compression to the full ratio.

I learned about soft knee compression when I first set up a Fairchild 670 compressor to put it back into service at United Sound in Detroit, back a little before 1990. It was an old dog already back then, but it was the most transparent analog compressor I ever laid hands on, especially when I set it up with a very broad "knee". The engineers loved it. "I don't hear it compressing. It just sounds louder." was the comment I got back.

Recently, on one of my old mixes I pulled up in SawStudio, I wasn't satisfied with the sound of the Ultrafunk compressor on a vocal, so I tried switching to the SS channel compressor, and found that more transparent. BUT... sometimes a hard knee just doesn't serve the need. I now find myself wishing we could persuade Bob to do an update of the channel compressor (and maybe Levelizer too, since they use much of the same code) to add a Knee adjustment. This would add even more transparency, if such a thing is possible.

Not to pile on, but I also wish for one more thing: a "wet/dry" control to allow me to get parallel compression without having to use another track or buss. I use parallel compression quite a bit.

Just those two things... please? Maybe just after the 64 bit version of SS is done...