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  1. #1

    Default Vst instruments load time

    Hey all,
    all of a sudden vst instruments are taking a long time to load, and during that time the program seems frozen.
    Windows 10…
    any thoughts?
    Saw64, SAC64 DP, Live, Cubase, Logic Pro and LUNA

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Vst instruments load time


    As a semi-retired "service technician", when I am attempting to diagnose an issue presented to me by a client, the first thing that comes to mind, is "trigger", as in, "What triggered this anomaly?"

    If the client is unspecific - which is generally the case, I then attempt to ascertain when the system performed "without incident"?

    If the anomaly is more than a few days old, it might be difficult , indeed if not impossible to ascertain what that trigger is/was.

    There are quite a number of "background processes" occurring - which only tends to exacerbate the issue.

    What I suggest is that give me a call, or I can call you...whatever works. It is just there are so many"other things" that could be the cause of this issue and without knowing your system, in all honesty, proving any kind of "practicable support" is
    difficult , if indeed impossible to provide.

    Send me a PM, with how I may be able to contact you. I have had the pleasure of assisting Forum members from all over the world.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Vst instruments load time

    Thanks for that...but first I'm gonna make sure my "windows tweaks" are all done as recommended.
    Saw64, SAC64 DP, Live, Cubase, Logic Pro and LUNA

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Vst instruments load time


    I do not believe this to be "Windows tweak" issue at all...there is something else going on!

    A few things of interest,

    1) I do not charge for my services to Forum member's
    2) As I get older, I find that my trying skills are not what they used to be [actually being somewhat of a programmer I tend to find myself better suited to coded-stuff than grammatical stuff.]
    3) Discussing any trouble-shooting matters, is always, always preferable via "conversation".

    I will then leave such in your most capable hands.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Vst instruments load time

    If there is audio files make sure the edl sample rate is the same as the audio, otherwise saw will convert on the fly and it will appear to take a long time.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Vst instruments load time

    If a thumb drive is involved, make sure that it is on a different USB channel than slow things - like your mouse and keyboard. It will default to the speed of the slowest hardware. I've been caught by that one.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Vst instruments load time


    Good point to note!!
    * Reminds me PCI card issues way-back-when!

    However USB3 does NOT suffer from this anomaly!

    When I am employing Kontakt, I use an external SSD with USB3 and I have no issues whatsoever - having 6-8 instruments loaded!

    With all of this in mind, USB-C is even better [Thunderbird's are Go!]

  8. #8

    Default Re: Vst instruments load time

    The way that I understand it is that Windows has to choose how many packets per second are going to be used in that circuit. An old wired mouse is limited in how many that can be. So, no matter how fast the USB drive is, the circuit will be limited to the max speed of the slowest device connected to it - which will be the mouse, not the USB drive.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Vst instruments load time


    Yes, that would be correct...but, as I understand it, this anomaly was only privy to USB1 and earlier versions of USB2.

    Thus, on SOME system, you see a distinction in the colours of the USB ports...
    • White, USB1
    • Black, USB2
    • Blue, USB3...and Yes...even purple?

    This being said, on a motherboard...NOT the front USB ports....[never cared for those]...the closer to the board the better!
    • I wonder if anyone has actually done some testing on the draw between the lower and the high USB ports? I wonder if it really matters?

    Anyhow, that when I was using a that I am back to a desktop, I have a no need for the external USB/SSD.

    Regardless, the way in which SAW/MWS work together, I have never had any issues..even with some of the larger Kontakt arrangements that I have played-around with [...such as Wagner's, The Ring 2, with 103 instruments!]
    Last edited by mr_es335; 11-29-2023 at 07:22 AM.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Vst instruments load time

    Dell, you never actually say it, but you imply that you have had a wired mouse and a USB stick plugged into the same USB3 port - and yet you did not experience any slowdown in access to the USB stick. That is... astonishing to me. My experience is just the opposite, also using USB3.

    But my wired mouse is pretty old. I wonder whether some newer wired mice are not USB2 technology now? Maybe that would account for it: a mouse that is capable of running on the faster USB3 stream without forcing it to down shift? This rather than the USB port being backwards compatible by being capable of slowing down for slower hardware.

    Of course, the mouse has no need of USB3 speed. But, maybe they have recognized that limiting the circuit to USB2 (or 1) speeds prevents its simultaneous use for other things.

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