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  1. #1

    Default VST plugins problems.

    Hello everyone,

    It's been a while since I used these VSTs or the MWS in SS. I'm having trouble maintaining settings with the classic Edirol plugins: Hyper Canvas, Super Quartet, and Orchestral.

    I mean that the session, the .EDL does not save the instruments configured in the plugin.

    I also try to load a saved preset but the plugins don't load it either.

    What happen?

    I am using SawStudio 5.1.

    Sorry for my English.

    Thank you.

  2. #2

    Default Re: VST plugins problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro V View Post
    Hello everyone,

    It's been a while since I used these VSTs or the MWS in SS. I'm having trouble maintaining settings with the classic Edirol plugins: Hyper Canvas, Super Quartet, and Orchestral.

    I mean that the session, the .EDL does not save the instruments configured in the plugin.

    I also try to load a saved preset but the plugins don't load it either.
    Saw has no knowledge of what you do within another program. After making changes in a vst, force a studio save and see if that makes a difference - rather than depending on SAW to prompt you to save.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Problemas con los plugins de VST.

    How good and fast your response.
    You're right!

    Thank you so much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: VST plugins problems.

    Pedro V,

    Anything...and I mean "ANYTHING"...that is going on in a Session .edl...requires a "Save" operation.

    Therefore, get in the habit of "Ctrl+S'ing" often!

    As I often say, "S.O.S.!" - or "Save Often Save!"

  5. #5

    Default Re: VST plugins problems.

    As an aside -

    An undo file is not always written, however when saving. You can do a CTRL/* (on the number keypad) to write an undo entry at any time in order to ensure that operations will be undoable. I routinely do a ctrl/*, followed by a ctrl/s for safekeeping, since i have lost a good many automation entries and other things, when in the heat of things a plugin decides to cause SAW to close unexpectedly (or other off the wall weirdness). Maybe I don't fully understand how the whole undo system works in SAW, but it's frustrating to lose a 1/2hr's mixing because no undo file was written as a safety.

  6. #6

    Default Re: VST plugins problems.

    I have the habit of always saving with the Ctr + S command not only in SS. I've used SawStudio and SAC a lot in the past.

    The * is very good, SS has a different design for the Undo, very interesting.

    I don't know why SS gives the option to save in VSTi, if it doesn't.

    Thanks for your kindness.

  7. #7

    Default Re: VST plugins problems.

    I've never used vsti's (yet) - no reason for my work, so I'm as puzzled as you in that respect.

  8. #8

    Default Re: VST plugins problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by UpTilDawn View Post
    As an aside -

    An undo file is not always written, however when saving. You can do a CTRL/* (on the number keypad) to write an undo entry at any time in order to ensure that operations will be undoable. I routinely do a ctrl/*, followed by a ctrl/s for safekeeping, since i have lost a good many automation entries and other things, when in the heat of things a plugin decides to cause SAW to close unexpectedly (or other off the wall weirdness). Maybe I don't fully understand how the whole undo system works in SAW, but it's frustrating to lose a 1/2hr's mixing because no undo file was written as a safety.
    2 things:

    As I said changes in many plugins do not induce an undo file (levelizer does under certain conditions - but I don't think for compressor adjustments) - and of course as you say, CTRL*. The other thing was covered in a recent thread - and that is file creation is the default sort in windows that pops in saw's file dialog. You must change this to 'modify time' as once the undo files pass the number of undo parameters, the file is overwritten - retaining the creation time.

    If you allow 10 undos, the 11th wraps to .u01 With the creation date sort it looks like .u10 (an older undo - and actually u02-u10) are the newest - making you appear not to have an undo.

    If you crash (which I find is usually related to plugins - like unpatching during playback), the u00 which points to the last
    known uxx file adds to the confusion (does the dialog related to it show the creation time of the target?).
    Last edited by jmh; 11-27-2023 at 07:00 PM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: VST plugins problems.

    It's just that you have to save the configuration you make in the VSTi with the different channels of the different plugin instruments in the same plugin.

    MWS sends the midi notes to the VSTi.

    What's confusing is that the plugin window has the option to save and load VSTi presets.

  10. #10

    Default Re: VST plugins problems.

    Why are you guys using Ctrl+*? So far as I know the only undo-related "snapshot" key combo is simply *. Although after some experimenting, I see that any modifier key seems to be ignored when using the * feature. So it doesn't really matter.
    Dave "it aint the heat, it's the humidity" Labrecque
    Becket, Massachusetts

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