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  1. #1

    Default Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?

    Hello Folks!

    I have 12 tracks in MWS and on track 2 there is a 12 bar chord progression that sounds great.
    Now I want to save that section, the 12 bar MIDI chord on track 2, so I can use it in another song or make a kind of MIDI library of interesting chords.
    I selected track 2 and those 12 bar, I even clicked on the track number and then from the menu "export MIDI file".
    Closed that song and opened a new blank session, imported the 12 bar MIDI file but then all 12 tracks loaded as well.
    So how do you select and save only certain parts of a MIDI section?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?

    OK I tried again and marked the notes instead of on the time line, now at least only track 2 was saved, but now everything on that track was also saved although only some of the notes were marked.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?

    Hi Goran,

    I never quite grasped all the subtleties of selecting/marking, etc. in MWS. To be honest, I don't even know that this approach will do what you want. I say your best bet is to simply delete all the data you don't want exported, snug your chord up to the start of the timeline, maybe moving it to track 1, then do your export.
    Dave "it aint the heat, it's the humidity" Labrecque
    Becket, Massachusetts

  4. #4

    Default Re: Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Labrecque View Post
    Hi Goran,

    I never quite grasped all the subtleties of selecting/marking, etc. in MWS. To be honest, I don't even know that this approach will do what you want. I say your best bet is to simply delete all the data you don't want exported, snug your chord up to the start of the timeline, maybe moving it to track 1, then do your export.
    Thanks for the input!
    Well....A good idea, I think that's the only way to do it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Labrecque View Post
    Hi Goran,

    I never quite grasped all the subtleties of selecting/marking, etc. in MWS. To be honest, I don't even know that this approach will do what you want. I say your best bet is to simply delete all the data you don't want exported, snug your chord up to the start of the timeline, maybe moving it to track 1, then do your export.
    +1, and I export first the midi file, then delete the unuseful notes.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?

    I came up with an interesting idea. You could make a START-UP template, name it MIDI.
    Track 1 for CLICK track and track 2 dedicated for all interesting MIDI chords in a long row.
    Also, now that I have used the CONTROL track, you could create CUE points for special chords and where the ARPEGGIOS are located.
    Then just copy and paste selected CHORDS to other tracks.
    Then you save the project under a different name, that way the MIDI template is always there ready to be used.
    Brilliant if I do say so myself.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?

    Ouuppsss, mistake.
    I first save MWS session with new name, then open it, delete unusefull notes then export as MIDI file

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?


    A few "things"...

    Before I explain to you what it is that you need to do... I would like to begin with what I will refer to as "an ordinary example" - using your post as the basis:

    Part 1
    1) You are working with Notepad.
    2) You write and complete some text.
    3) You then go to File, Save As
    - and save that text as "My Text" [The name of the text file is not important].
    4) You then peruse that text and just happen to notice a portion of that text that to you, appears to be quite striking!
    5) So, you highlight that portion of the text, go to File, Save As
    - and save the text as "Some striking text" [Again, the name of the text file is not important].
    6) You then go to that new text file, launch that text...expecting to see only the portion of the text you previously highlighted.
    7) However, you soon discover that what you are actually observing is an exact copy of the "My Text" text you had previously written and saved!
    8) You then ask yourself, "Why?"

    You need to understand Goran, that even though you selected a portion of the text - you actually did nothing at all to that selected portion of text!

    In Windows parlance, you "copied" the text - and Windows was there...waiting for you to do something with that previously highlighted/selected text! Performing a File, Save As... operation did nothing but what you told Windows to do
    - and that was "To save that entire text under a new name." Finito!

    Therefore, to accomplish what you had originally intended to do, you need to return to the original text, highlight that portion of the text, select "Copy" [...remember, the copied text is then stored in the "clipboard"], open a new text file, paste that previously highlighted text into the new text file and then, save that text file under a new name.

    Now, when you launch that new text file, all that you will observe in that text file is the previously highlighted text.

    Part 2
    "I have 12 tracks in MWS and on track 2 there is a 12 bar chord progression that sounds great.
    Now I want to save that section, the 12 bar MIDI chord on track 2, so I can use it in another song or make a kind of MIDI library of interesting chords.

    Observation: Here is what you need to do here,
    1) Go the very beginning of the section you are interested in and press the "B" key.
    2) Go the end of that section and press the "E" key.
    3) Select "Control" and "C" [Ctrl+C]
    - this is referred to as "a copy operation".
    * This action stored the selected section and placed that selected section in the "clipboard"
    - or "buffer".
    4) Select an empty MIDI Track
    * Ensure that you are positioned at the very beginning of that MIDI track
    5) Select "Control" and "V" [Ctrl+V]
    - this is referred to as "a paste operation"
    * This action placed the previously selected section and placed that selected section at the selected position within that previously selected empty MIDI track.

    The "Hiccup"
    Unlike Notepad, MWS does not permit the "copy and paste" of MIDI data from one MWS Session to another
    - at least not that I am aware of.

    In the above example, if you want only to "keep" that data from the MIDI track that has the copied data, you will need to delete all of the MIDI data from the other tracks until all that you are left with is that single MIDI track you want to keep. Then export that MIDI data to a new MIDI file.

    An Important Note
    Though you could "...make a kind of MIDI library of interesting chords..." such an operation would require the use of "blending" - which in your particular situation, would not really be all that advantageous to you.

    My suggestion is that you name this MIDI data as something representative of that MIDI data
    - such as, "12 bar chord progression". You could then blend in that MIDI data to another MIDI file.
    * In this manner, yo could create a library of single portions for MIDI data - each of which could then be blended into another MIDI track.

    Anyhow Goran, please pardon my "over-winded-ness" here.

    As a point-of-interest, someone once asked me where I derived my "knowledge", and I told them that I set out to "learn the fundamentals of the Windows environment."

    It is important t understand, that each and every Windows-based application then, will share common information [select, copy, paste, and so on]. And thus, I apply that knowledge to each
    - and-every Windows-based application that I am working with.
    * Observation: I hope that such was evident using Notepad as an example here? However, when working with rather obscure software applications such as RML Labs software, I will have to make note of those idiosyncrasies wherein such software "deviates from the norm"
    - so-to-speak. The main advantage that I have is that I am well aware of "what I know" and how to apply that knowledge to whatever environment I happen to find myself in.

    I do hope that this all makes sense, Goran?

    Please let me know how it all goes! Thank you for your time.
    Last edited by mr_es335; 12-02-2023 at 10:44 PM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?

    Thanks mr_es335 for an in-depth detailed explanation.
    I did as you explained and saved some CHORDS as MIDI files. Used the BLEND function on a song but the MIDI file goes to the track it was saved to, not the track I selected when I did the BLEND function. Instead of having many MIDI files on the hard drive I found it easier to make a START-UP template in SAW with all the instruments loaded and in MWS I have track 1 as a CLICK track for about 10 min and track 2 ONLY for MIDI chords without instruments with spaces between the chords and CUE pointing to some chords. Then on track 2, the CHORD track, I just highlight a section and then ctrl+backspace to the desired track of interest where the VST instrument or external synth is loaded.
    I found this more convenient and easier, no need to have many MIDI files on the hard drive.
    Save the project to something else and the template is always there ready to go.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Saving MIDI chords in MWS ?


    You stated, "Used the BLEND function on a song but the MIDI file goes to the track it was saved to, not the track I selected when I did the BLEND function."
    Response: Then, you must dong something wrong in the blend. Blend is just that, "Blend...NOT overwrite!"
    * So, 1) I have MIDI data on Track 1, 2) I then go to File, Blend Midi File, 3) Select the MIDI data I want to employ in the blend, 4) Select [Open], and 5) the blended MIDI data should go to the next free MIDI track.
    * For further information, see p53, Section 9.2, Blend Midi File.
    * For example: "The current Hot Track acts as the starting track for the new file. The tracks then increment down the MulitTrack."

    You then stated, "Instead of having many MIDI files on the hard drive..."
    Response: I have a folder that contains slightly over 5000 MIDI file and the total capacity of that folder is a mere 280MB's!! Personally, Goran...I would not really be all that concerned about having "too much MIDI data". [The previously exported blended data was only 110KB's!!]

    You stated, "I found it easier to make a START-UP template in SAW with all the instruments loaded and in MWS I have track 1 as a CLICK track for about 10 min and track 2 ONLY for MIDI chords without instruments with spaces between the chords and CUE pointing to some chords. Then on track 2, the CHORD track, I just highlight a section and then ctrl+backspace to the desired track of interest where the VST instrument or external synth is loaded.
    Response: I really he NO idea what you are referring to here, Goran?
    * Would you please be so kind as to send me that "template" - so that I can have a look-see. Email is in sig.

    You stated, "I found this more convenient and easier, no need to have many MIDI files on the hard drive."
    Response: Again, I would not be at all concerned about having too much MIDI Data.

    Lastly, Goran...may I ask where you derive your instrumentation data?
    * Personally, I employ and heartily recommend Kontakt v6! A great complement to SAW and MWS!
    * What I particularly like and prefer about Kontakt - is the ability to develop your own "Personal Library"...for an example of this...[Click_Me]
    * I have a total of 20 instrument categories in that library [on the left], displaying some 13 piano all nicely tucked awry within the Pianos category!!
    * Lastly, as can be observed, I developed my own "Portable Version" of Kontakt...and thus, I am in complete control of precisely how-and-where Kontakt gets installed. Absolutely lovin' it!!

    Anyhow, try the blend again - and please...let me now how it all goes?

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