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  1. #1

    Default Does 'Tick Resolution' have any function besides interacting with midi?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Does 'Tick Resolution' have any function besides interacting with midi?


    Someone else will have to chime-in here, but these settings have nothing at all to do with MIDI and would therefore, pertain to audio-related data.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Does 'Tick Resolution' have any function besides interacting with midi?

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_es335 View Post

    Someone else will have to chime-in here, but these settings have nothing at all to do with MIDI and would therefore, pertain to audio-related data.
    Sorry to differ with you on this one, but the very first time I was introduced to the notion of tick resolution it was in reference to MIDI - here's a Cakewalk page that mentions it, in fact.

    I don't have any in depth knowledge of MIDI and rarely use it, but I'm sure you would grasp its use in this respect much more than I.
    Beyond that, I don't know what "these settings" you refer to pertain to. So sorry if I've missed the elephant in the room of the op's question.
    Last edited by UpTilDawn; 04-16-2024 at 09:38 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Does 'Tick Resolution' have any function besides interacting with midi?

    Hope I'm on-target with the thrust of the inquiry, here.

    Tick resolution is simply the number of subdivisions within a beat in Tempo Mode, no? And your MIDI note or datum of whatever sort, once recorded or placed, will be quantized/located to/on one of those subdivisions.

    Have I missed the point, yet?
    Dave "it aint the heat, it's the humidity" Labrecque
    Becket, Massachusetts

  5. #5

    Default Re: Does 'Tick Resolution' have any function besides interacting with midi?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Labrecque View Post
    Hope I'm on-target with the thrust of the inquiry, here.

    Tick resolution is simply the number of subdivisions within a beat in Tempo Mode, no? And your MIDI note or datum of whatever sort, once recorded or placed, will be quantized/located to/on one of those subdivisions.

    Have I missed the point, yet?
    No 'subdivisions within a beat in Tempo Mode' is specifically the regard of my question - and if this is the same setting also impacts MIDI transmission in any way.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Does 'Tick Resolution' have any function besides interacting with midi?

    I see no setting in MWS for tick resolution, so I have to assume it takes that directly from the setting in SAW.

    I didn't even know you could change that! I thought 480 was it!
    Dave "it aint the heat, it's the humidity" Labrecque
    Becket, Massachusetts

  7. #7

    Default Re: Does 'Tick Resolution' have any function besides interacting with midi?

    There are a couple possible places that may impact this - or the might propagate to MWS rather than influence things in studio (as in not impacting any midi messaging on the control track). I don't do midi enough to know if there is quantization in saw, other than that Bob tends to hit the features that people expect.

    The possibilities I know of is the initial 'tempo-settings->tick-resolution' that you mentioned that changes the timeline readout fraction.
    If you are in tempo-mode, and click the BPM boiler plate under the time display to change the resolution of the grid - maybe the the midi tick resolution changes so it is always divisible by the chosen fraction.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Does 'Tick Resolution' have any function besides interacting with midi?

    Quote Originally Posted by jmh View Post
    There are a couple possible places that may impact this - or the might propagate to MWS rather than influence things in studio (as in not impacting any midi messaging on the control track). I don't do midi enough to know if there is quantization in saw, other than that Bob tends to hit the features that people expect.

    The possibilities I know of is the initial 'tempo-settings->tick-resolution' that you mentioned that changes the timeline readout fraction.
    If you are in tempo-mode, and click the BPM boiler plate under the time display to change the resolution of the grid - maybe the the midi tick resolution changes so it is always divisible by the chosen fraction.
    Seems like some experimenting is in order. Unless Bob wants to jump in and enlighten us.

    It also begs the question of how automation and control track entries are placed/quantized in SS. Or maybe all that is sample-anchored? That would seem to make the most sense.
    Dave "it aint the heat, it's the humidity" Labrecque
    Becket, Massachusetts

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