Ooh. Sounds exciting.![]()
Ooh. Sounds exciting.![]()
Dave "it aint the heat, it's the humidity" Labrecque
Becket, Massachusetts
When Dave speaks, people listen...
This is a new version. The linked zip file contains 4 files. Start by reading the pdf in the docs subdirectory.
If you have autohotkey installed, you can run the Control2Tempo.ahk directly. If not, you may run the Control2Tempo.exe this was that script 'compiled' with ahk2exe.ahk which bundles the needed script interpreter to the script. The bin\control2tempo.exe must remain in the bin subdirectory. Hmm having 2 files with the same name may not a great situation but I bundled it up on a different machine - so if you opt to use the bundled Control2Tempo.exe, you may want to rename it to Control2Tempo-ahk.exe (as I will if I rebuild it).
This is not in a finished state (as in the ahk script works pretty well - but there is room for improvements). One of the things about doing something like this is that you get better ideas along the way - which I'll discuss in a fresh thread.
For now, if anyone improves the ahk script, send me the changes and I may merge it in.
Quick example (4/4 tempo):
position cursor at measure 1 start
` & spacebar (that is a backtick)
1 (on numpad)
numpad-enter (start counting 1, 2, 3 4; 2, 2 3 4; ... 12, 2, 3, 4)
13 (on numpad. You can make a basic map with just 2 points - or if you choose, you can drop many.)
` & m
spacebar (wherever you need to)
` & a
` & m
` & s
` & spacebar (to toggle out of cue-entry-mode)
Make sure to inspect for things like doubled entries. Continuing with the above example, dropping a cue on measure 13 (beat 1) and a few other situations depending on what order you have done the map / auto-name steps, will surely crash studio, so rename the edl before you start, and have your undo level > 5.
Place the control track next to a percussive track. If your cues need adjustment:
` & left or right click to the right or left of a cue to snap it to position.
` & m
Make sure not to backtick click on an audio region. (Or, this is why you want undos).
Have fun!
Last edited by jmh; 07-19-2024 at 04:31 AM.
Been crazy busy and out of town. I am honored to be your muse. I just wish I had time to try this out! Which I do not.
I'll keep watching this space, though. Nice work (I assume)!
Dave "it aint the heat, it's the humidity" Labrecque
Becket, Massachusetts
Don't jump to conclusions. I had not run it on a production edl for a while (or at least the ahk part) and put it on my recording machine tonight and it crashes! I've been working on a win7 machine on near empty test edls which has been working fine.
I'll probably look at it out tomorrow. Stand by...
Hang tough, my man.
Dave "it aint the heat, it's the humidity" Labrecque
Becket, Massachusetts
Okay, part 1: the problem
1: I run studio as admin - and have been running ahk without any special privilege. Saw under admin doesn't like to be told what to do (as much).
2: The actual rewrite of the undo file is done with the little bin/control2tempo.exe file which is called by the ahk 'run' command which appears to default as a normal user - even if AHK is run as admin.
3: the run command can be passed a *RunAs option, or a RUNAS command - but I don't know which to use yet.
4: AHK or maybe windows in general is a little weird in determining when a file is open. There a bunch of delays scattered in the script too to give various things time to happen. I was working on a very lightweight edl when I figured them out, so some those values appear to be too low for bigger edls - AHK does not have the ability to see just what is happening in saw.
5: before I made that zip file, I cleaned up the ahk deleting unused functions... and it is possible I damaged it.
I think it was a mistake to try and bundle the ahk script as an exe file and anyone wanting to use this should just install AHK V2 (it comes in 64 and 32 bit versions if you are still on an old 32 bit windows). If you get into tweaking the Control2Tempo.ahk script for your machine, you will find it can be utilized in all kinds of ways in saw. Nevertheless, I still have to get it working on my 'real' saw machine, and I will post it when it is sorted out. It will be a few though. Too tired tonight, and songwriting night on Tuesday, night out Wednesday...
Adding " *RunAs " after the run and before the variable containing the exe file (which might be changed to have the complete path rather than a relative path) seems to take care of it.
While I was playing with that, I also found a bug in that new auto-name feature where some new names are incorrect when inserting between named cues. For now, either deleting or manually renaming those cues first will allow you to build a map with `m
I probably have fixed auto-name - but have yet to test it, and since I seem to be the only user, there probably is no rush to post it...
Keep up the good work!![]()
Dave "it aint the heat, it's the humidity" Labrecque
Becket, Massachusetts
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