I told you guys I was writing a plugin a while ago - 1999. It turned named sawpro markers into a tempomap. It looked atrocious but worked - but my finishing it had the unfortunate timing of sawstudio's release. Me, like most everyone else moved to studio. I was horrified to discover studio no longer had markers, the tempomap structure was different from what I painstakingly figured out through examining with a hex editor. Months of work for naught.
This niggled at me over the years. Several computers later, I thought there might be a way forward. I think my most recent version had been lost - although I located a backup in mostly completed condition. I quickly got it converted to convert control cues to a tempo map - and it almost worked. Months of sifting through binary edls and experimentation and voila!
Edit: I deleted the linked file. The new link is:
...it probably works on SS64 too - although I have not tested it.
What is it for? Making tempo maps to live recordings. Doing it with control entries isn't ideal - but it works okay.
(I'm going to add more here...)
...my wife took away her computer. Back on.
This is the way I've used it so far (although I'm working on a tool to streamline this):
- Give your edl a new name - I am not positive that the edl we are going to create is stable (but so far so good). Better safe than sorry.
- turn off auto-undo
- make a couple of cue entries say on measures 1, and 10.
- name them 1 5/4 and 10 respectively. (you are in 5/4 because this is so f-ucking cool! - but use a different time signature if that is what your song is in)
- ^s ( to save - where ^ is the control-key)
- * (to make an undo)
- control2tempo.exe inputfilename.edl inputfilename.uXX (XX are two digits - whatever file the * step created - but not 00)
- ^<
once you get an initial map, you can add cues using the tempo as a naming guide, then repeat the last 4 steps as many times as you need.
Handy hot-keys:
shift-arrow (left or right lets you jump through tempo-map-entries when you are in tempo mode)
Did I say it is not a plugin? It is a utility.
This was initially an effort to resurrect an orphaned child - but became an exercise in stubbornness. The likelihood that I get compensated is pretty low - but if it turns out to be essential on a big-budget film or album, tell the producer that I'm to be paid $100,000. As for the rest of you, it is a new toy to play with. Enjoy...
P.S. There are a couple of oddball features like if you have many control entries, and would like to export them, run something like:
control2tempo.exe in.edl -c > spreadsheet.csv
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