Todd R,
I think I misunderstood who your clients are in your last paragraph.
I posted your answer a while ago and accidentally deleted it.
What do you think of the SS Frequency Analyzer?
I know it's less work to have an analyzer in the same equalizer and if you have dynamic control, then you can do that too (carefully). They are very comfortable, I used the one from apulsoft a long time ago.
You have mixed much more than me, I'm sure of that, from your experience. You could give me a good training. In my few sessions I have never used a multiband compressor, in addition to the channel compressor I have added: a Levelizer, and in vocals another Levelizer as a DeEsser. Three points of maximum compression per channel and the master.
Think about that. And how old school engineers worked.
I exaggerated when I said that I no longer use the frequency analyzer, it was a mistake. I meant I use it less. The issue of convenience and fast workflow is important for sound quality in fast deliveries. Working with the Frequency Analyzer in SS may be slower. You have to analyze the workflow. Always have it open, it always gives you data. You press SOLO on the channel and that's it. With Fab you can have many assigned, imagine in SAC.
There is an important issue (that comes up from time to time) is the good work that Bob has done both in the Fixed Point Audio Engine, as well as in how clean the Levelizer is, and the EQ and Dynamics section in the mixer.
Considering the sound quality in this case, and not the graphical interface, etc: What happens when we use plugins within SS that are programmed with lower quality, in high level languages, in floating point, etc?
Why are we SS users?
There are reasons, values and philosophies behind everything that I think is good to follow, because the right line of thinking goes awry if it isn't. Even with plugin companies, hardware and everything in life.
But believe me, I understand your point perfectly: You like the Fab tool, it works for you.
Would you like to take a good old session that sounds good and try to remix it practically only with RML Labs stuff?
Can you make the effort?
And the 2 or 3 plugins you use from another company are not the same type of those already available in SS.
Try the tackle a workflow with the frequency analyzer.
Listen and compare the results. Also check the use of cpu resources, workflow, costs, performance.
Maybe it's even a good exercise for you and you can tell me the results.
Thanks for your answer.

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