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  1. #1

    Default F key follows tracks?

    I still like to mix in Saw, and was trying to setup f keys that would show the tracks shown at the time of creation***8230;
    but that doesn***8217;t work. Any ideas on how to see only certain tracks in a view. I believe SAC F keys you could have certain tracks recalled?.
    Last edited by richswit; 01-26-2025 at 06:20 AM.
    Saw64, SAC64 DP, Live, Cubase, Logic Pro and LUNA

  2. #2

    Default Re: F key follows tracks?

    I think the F-key follows the current hot-track.

    You could do something with a desktop scripting like auto-hot-key to do a series of keystrokes (including an F-key) - but that would be for something specific.

    Does anyone know if there is a way to jump to a specific track other than mousing to the track-listing window that is accessed from near the upper-left of the multitrack?

    I don't have my rig up at the moment. I don't think this will work - and possibly not very useful if it does, but maybe you can get your page set up, activate multitrack's track-listing window, then store the F-key if it does work, you would be poised to select a track.

  3. #3

    Default Re: F key follows tracks?

    Quote Originally Posted by jmh View Post
    I think the F-key follows the current hot-track.

    You could do something with a desktop scripting like auto-hot-key to do a series of keystrokes (including an F-key) - but that would be for something specific.

    Does anyone know if there is a way to jump to a specific track other than mousing to the track-listing window that is accessed from near the upper-left of the multitrack?

    I don't have my rig up at the moment. I don't think this will work - and possibly not very useful if it does, but maybe you can get your page set up, activate multitrack's track-listing window, then store the F-key if it does work, you would be poised to select a track.
    Thank you for that, I will check it out. I
    Saw64, SAC64 DP, Live, Cubase, Logic Pro and LUNA

  4. #4

    Default Re: F key follows tracks?

    As I was saying, maybe channel grouping will play a role in this
    Saw64, SAC64 DP, Live, Cubase, Logic Pro and LUNA

  5. #5

    Default Re: F key follows tracks?

    Quote Originally Posted by richswit View Post
    As I was saying, maybe channel grouping will play a role in this
    Well, the channel grouping is cool, but the screen doesn't jump to show the tracks in that group. If I'm on track 22 and select a group that is channels 1-6, they are selected, but I still have to go scroll to them. Not the end of the world, but it would be cool if the "screen followed group selections".
    Saw64, SAC64 DP, Live, Cubase, Logic Pro and LUNA

  6. #6

    Default Re: F key follows tracks?

    ...never heard of 'channel grouping'. I'm only an occasional user of 'Full View', I'll have to play around with that.

    BTW, the multitrack sub-window I had asked if there is any non-mouse methods is called 'track locator zone'.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: F key follows tracks?


    I do not believe that you what you are wanting to do is not possible in SAW.

    However, I have configured such "scenarios" employing a scripting language called "AutoIt"...which can perform such operations successfully.
    * PS: AutoIt is much better that lease I think so!

    If you can be as specific as-is-possible, maybe I can create a script that does what you are looking for? Remember, "GIGO".

  8. #8

    Default Re: F key follows tracks?

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_es335 View Post

    I do not believe that you what you are wanting to do is not possible in SAW.

    However, I have configured such "scenarios" employing a scripting language called "AutoIt"...which can perform such operations successfully.
    * PS: AutoIt is much better that lease I think so!

    If you can be as specific as-is-possible, maybe I can create a script that does what you are looking for? Remember, "GIGO".
    I appreciate that. Learning about the select track option in the upper left corner ( the up and down arrows) has made life much better!
    Saw64, SAC64 DP, Live, Cubase, Logic Pro and LUNA

  9. #9

    Default Re: F key follows tracks?

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_es335 View Post
    * PS: AutoIt is much better that lease I think so!
    I'm not going to disagree with that. It makes sense to stick with what you know.

    Here is an idea I think about once in a while (unfortunately, it would be for SS32 only): A native plugin that wraps some of the functions and re-exposes the plugin capabilities exported as a dll interface for scripting languages. If you included automation (which is more-or-less a specialized database built into saw), you could use entries like control track on steroids to trigger any arbitrary event, call programs, send email, interact with a database, netcat, whatever...

    The plugin API lets you do a whole bunch of things. Just the basics like position the cursor, mark areas, select tracks, start and stop, record... would be quite useful. In addition, many of the features we use with keystrokes are available. In conjunction with autoit, or autohotkey (and other languages, but those 2 are particularly well suited for interacting with Windows GUI), you could enable richswit's fkeys, and a whole bunch more. It could result in a partial, but pretty rich macro language for Studio.

    I haven't done anything along these lines (been trying to work on my house lately) - but it might make for a collaborative github project, so if anyone has some extra time and is feeling ambitious...

    * Something like this (non-plugin) enables saw to communicate with SAC already - but the two interact so tightly, my assumption is it couldn't be shared while using SAC (if you could figure it out).

  10. #10

    Default Re: F key follows tracks?

    Quote Originally Posted by jmh View Post
    ...never heard of 'channel grouping'. I'm only an occasional user of 'Full View', I'll have to play around with that.

    BTW, the multitrack sub-window I had asked if there is any non-mouse methods is called 'track locator zone'.
    I often use the track locator zone "button"

    Track Grouping:
    You "group" tracks in SAW by lft-clk track number to essentially solo that track;
    The number becomes highlighted in black (inverse color to ungrouped);
    to ungroup all grouped tracks, right click a grouped track number

    from the SS64 User Manual:
    ["Right-Clicking] on the MultiTrack title bar displays the popup Group menu. This menu allowsyou to save and recall preset track groups. There are 32 group preset assignments and a few
    special groups for MultiTrack section selections (ie inputs, returns, and outputs). The preset
    groups are shared between the MultiTrack and the mixer windows."

    I use track grouping all the time when mixing because it is by far the easiest way to solo tracks in SAW.

    What grouping doesn't do is rearrange tracks to a specific order in one screen view...edited "cuz I was incorrect" :-) and I don't find strikethru

    Interestingly, in reviewing this for myself just now, I see it is possible to either number select
    or label select tracks (Alt-Lft-Clk).

    I have never used label selected track grouping and I don't know what it is for? Same purpose of soloing, just with labels?
    Last edited by Todd R; 01-28-2025 at 07:17 AM.

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