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  1. #1

    Default Grouping, Groups, Number-Select, & Label-Select

    A reference for everything needed to take advantage of groups in one place.

    Grouping can be used in 4 ways:

    1. Perform edits across multiple tracks, simultaneously in Multitrack-view.
    2. Re-arrange track order.
    3. Control which tracks are audible on playback.
    4. Gang mixer-view controls, so adjustments to a parameter will be made to all grouped channels.

    Uses 1, 2 & 3 are controlled in the multitrack-view. Use 4 is controlled in full-view (and other mixer views).

    Rational: I have used SawStudio for decades without a complete understanding of groups. Because groups can be used in multiple ways, the operation and description of groups is scattered throughout the manual. The intention of this post is to make these powerful functions accessible.

    There are 3 types of grouping:

    • Number-selecting in multitrack-view. Tracks are added to this type of grouping by left-clicking on a track-number (indicated by track number font and background inversion).
      Most multitrack edit functions will impact all number-selected tracks. Number-selected tracks will playback, non-selected tracks do not playback.
      Shift-left-clicking on a multitrack-track-number re-arranges number-selected tracks numerically and moves them beyond the track clicked on.
    • Label-selecting in multitrack-view Tracks are added to this type of grouping by alt-left-clicking on a track-label (indicated by track label font and background inversion).
      This enables additional tracks to playback that are not included in group-editing functions through number-selection. You can listen to any combination of tracks while group edit functions remain limited to number-selected tracks. (Note that label-selection does not prevent a number-selected track from being edited).
    • Number-selecting channels in mixer-views. Tracks are added to this type of grouping by left-clicking on a channel-number (indicated by channel number font and background inversion).
      Parameter adjustments on a grouped mixer-view channel are also applied to all other number-selected channels.

    When you are finished with the group operation, simply [Right-Click] in any track (or channel) number zone to clear number-selected groups, and [Alt-Right-Click] in any track label zone to clear label-selected groups.

    Group Menu

    Right-clicking on the title-bar of multitrack or any mixer view opens a menu where groups can be defined. Once defined, these groups (which are shared between those views) can be utilized to rapidly activate any of the above grouping types. The operation of the menu is somewhat different depending upon accessing it from the multitrack, or a mixer view.

    These following are Multitrack-group-menu actions, taken from the manual.

    [Right-Clicking] on the MultiTrack title bar displays the popup Group menu. This menu allows you to save and recall preset track groups. There are 32 group preset assignments and a few special groups for MultiTrack section selections (ie inputs, returns, and outputs). The preset groups are shared between the MultiTrack and the mixer windows.

    • [Left-Clicking] on one of the 32 group preset options clears any existing number-selected tracks and number-selects that group of tracks.
    • [Alt-Left-Clicking] on one of the 32 group preset options clears any existing label-selected tracks and label-selects that group of tracks.
    • [Left-Clicking] on the Select All option number-selects all input, return, and output mixer channels. [Left-Clicking] on the Select All Inputs, Select All Returns, or Select All Outputs option number-selects the corresponding mixer channels.
    • [Alt-Left-Clicking] on the Select All option label-selects all input, return, and output mixer channels. [Left-Clicking] on the Select All Inputs, Select All Returns, or Select All Outputs option label-selects the corresponding mixer channels.
    • [Shift-Left-Clicking] one of the 32 group preset options will set the group to the current number-selected tracks and prompts for a group name. This will overwrite any previous group entries in that preset.
    • [Ctrl-Left-Clicking] one of the 32 group will blend the preset with any currently number-selected tracks.
    • [Ctrl-Alt-Left-Clicking] one of the 32 group will blend the preset with any currently label-selected tracks.

    The following are Mixer-view-group-menu actions, taken from the manual.

    [Right-Clicking] on the Full Mixer View title bar displays the popup Group menu. This menu allows you to save and recall preset channel groups. There are 32 group preset assignments and a few special groups for mixer section selections (ie inputs, returns, and outputs). The preset groups are shared between the MultiTrack and the mixer windows.

    • [Left-Clicking] on one of the 32 group preset options clears any existing selected mixer Navigation
    • [Left-Clicking] on the Select All option selects all input, return, and output mixer channels.
    • [Left-Clicking] on the Select All Inputs, Select All Returns, or Select All Outputs option selects the corresponding mixer channels.
    • [Shift-Left-Clicking] one of the 32 group preset options creates a new group and assigns the currently selected channels to that group and prompts for a group name.
    • [Ctrl-Left-Clicking] one of the 32 group preset options will blend the preset with any currently selected mixer channels.


    • Channel - a path through a series of signal modifiers - analogous to a channel strip on a real mixer.
    • Track - a container that can store and access an audio signal - analogous to a track on a real tape recorder.

    In SawStudio, on playback, tracks are typically routed into channels having the same number. Because of that close relationship, we often discuss and think about these terms interchangeably. It is important to remember that for clarity, SawStudio, and its documentation, maintains a distinction between 'channel' and 'track'. In Multitrack-view, we work with tracks - and in mixer-views, channels. (The 'group menu' is somewhat of an exception to that distinction.)
    Last edited by jmh; 02-05-2025 at 07:47 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Grouping, Groups, Number-Select, & Label-Select

    Very nice round-up!

    Also, it might should probably be noted in your round-up that:
    shift-left click on an open Track Group where tracks are not currently adjacent (next to one-another) will gather all of the selected track together :-)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Grouping, Groups, Number-Select, & Label-Select

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd R View Post
    Very nice round-up!

    Also, it might should probably be noted in your round-up that:
    shift-left click on an open Track Group where tracks are not currently adjacent (next to one-another) will gather all of the selected track together :-)
    ... and arranged in numerical order, starting with the lowest number in the group, regardless of where the group is snapped to in the general track order.
    Ex. - grouped tracks 4, 10, 7 & 15, moved to just under track 1 in the MT, will reorganize as 1, 4, 7, 10, 15, 2, 3, etc.
    Return and Output tracks also respond to group assignments and regroup in numerical order, when shift-left clicked as follows: Tracks, Returns, Outputs, in that order.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Grouping, Groups, Number-Select, & Label-Select

    Todd & UpTillDawn

    The significance of that keystroke didn't register on me. Probably will add a 'valuable tricks' section after a few of these things accumulate.

    When it gets to a 'finished' state, feel free to post it at LearnSawStudio (or whoever wherever).

    Thanks for the input.


    I re-arrange tracks all the time - usually one or a few at a time or things like moving a drum output right after the drum tracks. Even after reading your post it didn't even register on me that that is a use of grouping.

    Edit 2: Merged in suggestion.
    Last edited by jmh; 02-03-2025 at 12:16 PM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Grouping, Groups, Number-Select, & Label-Select

    Quote Originally Posted by jmh View Post
    Todd & UpTillDawn

    The significance of that keystroke didn't register on me. Probably will add a 'valuable tricks' section after a few of these things accumulate.

    When it gets to a 'finished' state, feel free to post it at LearnSawStudio (or whoever wherever).

    Thanks for the input.


    I re-arrange tracks all the time - usually one or a few at a time or things like moving a drum output right after the drum tracks. Even after reading your post it didn't even register on me that that is a use of grouping.

    Edit 2: Merged in suggestion.
    I use it in every session....there is no easier way to get tracks next to each other. I always want my Main Output track wherever I am working...along with subs/busses (out tracks) and whatever returns I have set get those O and R tracks up in my I section, group below; add the destination track to the group last and shift click them all together.

    Yesterday, I was recording some guitar and on playback, needed to offset the I grouped them in the Z mixer to gang the offset...I did not know that before, another huge time saver thanks to these discussions =-D

    Further, maybe should be mentioned about grouping is user does not need to create can group on the fly to speed things up

  6. #6

    Default Re: Grouping, Groups, Number-Select, & Label-Select

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd R View Post
    Yesterday, I was recording some guitar and on playback, needed to offset the I grouped them in the Z mixer to gang the offset...I did not know that before, another huge time saver thanks to these discussions =-D
    I've also been playing with mixer number-selected channels. I found early on that it can be a bit peculiar if there was existing automation, and in that case, I too used offset to good result.

    Further, maybe should be mentioned about grouping is user does not need to create can group on the fly to speed things up
    I've always manually selected - but going forward, I'll be taking advantage of groups, as I frequently was selecting by hand the same group of tracks I had just deselected. For example just listening to the drums and the bass - then the full mix, and flipping back and forth. Although that case can be handled by label-selecting everything, or the ctrl-spacebar to initiate playback. Both great discoveries from these threads to speed things up.
    Last edited by jmh; 02-04-2025 at 07:10 AM.

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